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Democrats Released The Pandemic (Plandemic)

Okay, I am sorry you feel that way.

Recently on social media:

"Wesley are you really that ignorant? You do realize that there was a democrat released plandemic to cheat in the election right? You also realize that all blue states and cities wouldn’t let businesses open back up right? I bet you’re actually dumb enough to believe that bidan/harris created jobs! No simpleton all they did is allow the people to go back to work!"

I do realize there are some who believe this. Many others thinking we should have gone back to work sooner. And still others believe that requiring masks in schools was wrong.

I understand. It is your choice that is being controlled. My health controls my choice. I do not like it, however it is for my own good. Choices government makes is to protect / prevent that which you can inflict upon others. At one time the government really not really care that you crashed your plane and killed yourself. When others started to die around you because of you, then the government cared if you crashed. So, here comes the inspections and license requirements.

Point to make just to rib those extremists: "If Democrats were that powerful to create a plandemic that had effect in the U.S. and all over the world, then I guess the Democrats made America Great Again."

Did the current administration create jobs? I do not know, and I never ever said they did. What is obvious is that deaths from over one-million COVID-19 and three-million retiring baby boomers, most of whom were probably scared of Covid-19, created job openings. So many openings that we do not have the population to backfill them all. Items are no longer being made because of labor shortages. Currently there are more baby boomers retired than there is remaining population who can work.

It is mostly people like that in the comment above who have erratic and irrational behavior that follow X-President Trump, because The "X" displays the same behavior.

Note: We have extremists on both sides. Both are toxic. We also should not be talking Red or Blue. We have to talk about current issues, how to fix them, and who can best achieve that. This is a world economy. I am not saying we have to accept the world into the U.S. You do have to realize we have to "play well" with the world if we want to control the price on the shelf. Whomever is elected, must satisfy both Red and Blue. X-President Trump has perfectly proven through his statements and action, as other states also have in the U.S., that Blue does not matter.


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