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The Life I Want


The life I want is:

  • One that makes me happy
  • One that I have less material needs and more joy (without external forcing)
  • One that we all co-exist
  • One that we do not blame
  • One that we acknowledge and resolve issues (a continual process of positive tension)
  • One that we are open to change
  • One that we do not compare to others to define ourselves
  • One that everyone is accepted
  • One that everyone has rights including the right to an abortion 

  • One that healthcare is at the top of the list
  • One that the elderly are taken care of
  • One that is equitable in wealth (not suggesting at all everyone be the same)
  • One that everyone is free to travel
  • One that everyone is protected from harm
  • One that everyone is free to just live a life

Obviously there are more, and there are wants and desires that are personal which only I can take care of.

Given that, X-President Trump is the furthest away from me to fulfilling my needs. Nobody will be 100% because these would be my needs. Not the needs of everyone, though many would come close.

I am not suggesting in any way that X-President Trump does not fit the needs of others. This is why we have a Democracy, a government by the people, one for the majority and not just half (and by half I mean on just one side of the middle). Half is just what X-President Trump and his radicals are preaching. (I am not classifying all Republicans as radicals.)

The political extremes (first and last column below) shall / should never become our norm. This will only result in fighting. Majority, not one half, is to be represented by government, by the people, for the people. This is hard to accomplish if all we have is two extremes and nobody in the middle.

That is not to say that an extremism cannot move, find it's way, to a new moderate view. Sort of like the business Kano Model. It is possible.

Note that extremism without moderation will not sustain (Hitler, Mussolini).


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