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The Return To Normal Energy Plants

The X-President makes it up as he goes. It worked in 2016 because the outlandish lies got him free media attention (free campaign marketing) to where he could hook his followers into believing, and to vote for him. It is not working now. His outlandish lies are now costing him the election.

During the 2024 debate with Vice President Harris, the X-President made a statement to the affect that Germany is going back to "building normal energy plants". As the spokesperson for Germany's Climate Action Ministry put it, "I don't know what the presidential candidate means by that." 

Normal energy to Germany is clean energy. Since Russia invested in the war to invade Ukraine, it's gas supply to Germany has reduced. Yes, Germany had to do something, but it was not to "build normal energy plants". Germany's commitment to clean energy increased. This can make one wonder, does the X-President have stronger ties to Russia than we believe to make a statement like that?

In a 2016 rally he stated, "You watch what happens if we win, we're going to bring those miners back." In fact, under the X-President Trump administration, U.S. coal jobs ended down by 24%.  Again, he said then as he does now, what you want to here to get votes. That is how he markets, telling lies, and media gave him free face time on national television for that and it helped him win back then. However it is backfiring now all because people are seeing through is desperation and use of continued lies. (X-President Trump seems to think media is treating him unfairly now.) Many of his then followers, and true Republicans, are now disenfranchised. 

Today, renewable energy has surpassed that provided by coal in the U.S. Germany, who is basically leading the fight on renewable energy is winning, and so are we. Why play that with a lie.


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