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You Need ID To Vote, As To Fish, Hunt, Check In Hotel

Well, yes I do believe you should have an ID to vote. Helps keep the Russians out. To make a point blank statement for comparison to a Fish or Hunting license, or to check into a Hotel, well, until you require all guns be registered to capable people, your claim to fame has failed.

As you get older, immobile, do you not still have the right to vote? The amendments to the constitution (amendments 14, 15, 19, and 24) protects rights to vote. If you do not have transportation, you should be able to mass pickup people to take them to vote. There are many ways for voting to go wrong. But to block people from voting is the worst of all. This includes removing mail boxes weeks before a vote.

Republicans filibustered the Freedom to Vote Act because they were scared. The Act would require:
  • Automatic voter registration
  • Offer at least 15 consecutive days of early in-person voting, including two weekends (for me this makes it easier to plan time off or outside work)
  • Offer same-day voter registration at all polling locations (if the same credentials can get you a voting card at the BMV, why not at the polling location same day? Yes, there could be congestion. Work it out over time)
  • Establish no-excuse mail-in voting for all voters in federal elections (includes accessible drop boxes)
  • Counting all mail in ballots, including those received within days of election (I may be object to that one . . . we need to not delay the selection of leaders . . . vote earlier to get it in on time)
  • Count all provisional ballots for eligible races in a county, regardless of the precinct they were in
  • Make election day a public holiday
  • Restores the right to vote for felons who served their time
  • Protection for people with disabilities, Native Americans, underserved communities
No reform, let alone not moving toward continued reform, keeps us at odds with each other. We are not improving the system which we all agree needs improving. Do something. Stalling, filibustering, is doing nothing.

Should we have voter ID? Yes. Same goes for owing a fire arm. A re-vote? Hell no. People who chose to vote have voted. No second chances to interfere. Vote re-count was, is, and should be the recourse. Allow for mail in votes.

Why not pursue the right to vote? Because X-President Trump and his followers believe we are suckers. That people in Hollywood should not have any rights. That people of lower class do not know what they want so they, the GOP, will make the decisions for them. NOPE.


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