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GOP for ALL!

X-President Trump does not want boarder protection. By telling Republicans to kill the worthy bipartisan boarder bill this spring, he left the the topic of immigration on the table as a platform to run for President. This is giving him the righteous claim that the Democrats are allowing illegal immigrants to enter our country, eating our cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio!? Why there? Why tell that lie at all? Well, there is is a political reason for that. It is called "the Republicans need two more seats in Ohio". That is all it is. They are playing on the unfounded emotions of Ohio people to vote Republican in order to gain control of the Senate. This way they can continue to plant Republican minded lawyers into the higher courts, basically hijacking our judicial system so that it is no longer for the majority, rather just the half side that is all Republican. It has worked for X-President Trump before, spouting dreadful lies to the public to incite discontent and to grab n
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The Life I Want

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